One day the market sucks, the next day a random stock goes through the roof. Navigating these targeted stocks is getting annoying, but under these current circumstances (interpret how you like) I don't see anything changing for the better anytime soon. I decided to keep my Verizon as my dividend stock, while loading up on Microsoft and Blackstone for value/growth stocks. The indexes are moving so crazy and fast, I'm leaving index futures alone for a while. FOREX is a wrap for the foreseeable future. God bless if you can manage that mess. But what about income trades? Well, leaving a decent chunk of cash in reserves for a bloody day, I started looking at ETF's to trade. In particular, the XL- family of the S&P. Communications is cool. Technology is cool. Volatile but cool. But this next few years is about temporary employment to boost numbers and give the appearance of victory. Hence the Building Materials sector, XLB is what I'll be monitoring. I think promises will be made, driving up the price, then promises broken, providing great buying opportunities.